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TecPhlie is viewed by millions of tech starvy people every month (contact us for more details ) and is one of fastest emerging website focusing on reviewing gadgets, apps, services, books and hotels. We are one of the most popular website in technology niche in India( Alexa rank under 8K ). 

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Currently we are offering only one spot to advertise, a right sidebar ad widget of 350×150, which can't be blocked by any adblock. 
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We welcome products/websites/services on our website. We have already done few reviews here and boosted sales and revenue of many of our advertisers.

What do you get in our Reviews:

  1. We write a full in-depth review of your product/service covering all the key features and specifications.
  2. We allow 1-2 dofollow links to your site with desired anchor text.This will boost your search engine rankings and pagerank.
  3. We also make videos for your products and upload them to our youtube channel thereby getting more and more exposure to your product/services.
  4. As soon as the article is published we share it on our Facebook ,Twitter and Google + Pages where we have about 100,000+ followers thereby getting instant maximum exposure to your service.

    Our Recent Reviews
    If you are interested in advertising with us then you can mail to or contact us at  +91 9650 10 3936 


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